Argyll and The Isles - North Argyll and The Isles - South - Directory

About Argyll


Since 1995, About Argyll Walking Holidays have run high-quality, essentially personal guided and self-guided walking holidays and hiking vacations throughout Argyll in the West Highlands and Islands of Scotland, building up a reputation for care and quality. Over the years, in exploratory spirit, we have added ventures further afield: Galloway, Highland Perthshire, Arran, the Small Isles and all the way north to the magnificent outerness of Norse/Scots Shetland Islands.

Our holidays are designed for people who like to enjoy historical, natural and geological themes and the pure pleasure of walking. We explore the hills, the lochs, boundless seascapes and islands. During the walks you can enjoy historical, natural or geological themes, the solitude of secret places.

We don't aim to break speed records when we walk, but the going can be rough. Scotland is one of the last places where you don't have to stay on paths and tracks. During our guided holidays we will take full advantage of this and our hikes will be in remote and quiet places undiscovered by most tourists.

Anyone with Highland, especially Argyllshire, ancestry might be particularly interested to see the country to which a part of them belongs. Our walks visit the countryside of, amongst others, the Campbells, MacDonalds, MacDougalls, MacIntyres, MacKinnons, MacLachlans, MacLeans and Stewarts.

Our walking trips and hiking tours are usually 8 days, with 7 nights accommodation and 6 walking days. All our holidays start and end in Glasgow.

Contact Information

Letters Lodge South
PA27 8BZ
Scotland (UK)

Tel: 01369 860272
