Argyll and The Isles - North Argyll and The Isles - South - Directory

Carrick Castle Boat Club


Carrick Castle Boat Club was formed on 10th February 1989 as a mooring association and now in 2012 celebrates 23 years of service to its members.

The club has an allocation of fifty three mooring positions in Carrick Castle of which the club owns two blue 15 tonne visitor's moorings just north of the castle.

Club members and visitors to our web site will find plenty of information and news here about the Carrick Castle area and there are lots of photographs in the Photo Gallery.

To pay for using our visitor's moorings please use the payment facility below - Thank you. Those that don't pay within 14 days of using a visitor's mooring are listed on our 'Name and Shame' page until paid.

Contact Information

Liz Evans
Cruach House
12 Morrison’s Park
Carrick Castle
PA24 8AF
01301 703098
