Argyll and The Isles - North Argyll and The Isles - South - Directory

Heart of Argyll


A legacy of the successful Dalriada Project, the Heart of Argyll Tourism Alliance (HOATA) was formed as a co-operative in 2010 with the purpose of actively marketing the Dalriada Heart of Argyll region as a credible tourist destination.

Local tourism operators, businesses and organisations recognised the need for collaborative working to promote the area and garnered support from the public sector to progress the HOATA initiative. A core group was established in April 2010, comprising tourism business owners and professionals living and working in the Heart of Argyll. Together, the group is committed to implementing a tourism marketing action plan designed to generate awareness in key markets, grow visitor numbers and increase tourism revenue in the Heart of Argyll.

If you own or work in a business in the Heart of Argyll or are simply passionate about the place, this is your opportunity to be part of a dynamic destination marketing organisation that is focused on making this very special part of Scotland a ‘must visit’ region on local, national and international tourist itineraries. Membership of the Heart of Argyll Tourism Alliance affords your business a host of benefits including exposure on the HOATA website, participation in press & media activity as well as a series of direct marketing campaigns.

Contact Information

The Square Peg
Colchester Square
PA31 8LH

