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PA23 BID Steering Group

Business Improvement


PA23 is more than just the postcode for a magic part of Argyll in Scotland. PA stands for Positive Attitude. And the BID bit ? – nothing to do with auctions! BID stands for Business Improvement District.

Dunoon and the surrounding area in Argyll has been earmarked to become a Business Improvement District. This is seriously good news for businesses in the Dunoon area and ultimately for the people who live and work in or visit Dunoon, Nearby Sandbank and indeed anywhere around the Cowal peninsula.

A Business Improvement District is a financial structure which allows businesses to work together and invest financially towards a set of commonly agreed business goals. A steering group of local businesses has been formed, and funding secured, with the aim of setting up a Business Improvement District in the PA23 area in late 2012. It is called PA23 BID Steering Group.

Everyone contributes and everyone benefits. An important aspect of any Business Improvement District is that there are no hangers on. The legislation which provides for Business Improvement Districts to be established obliges those businesses in the defined BID zone to contribute. The majority vote carries the day but all businesses are obliged to contribute regardless of how they vote. This obligation strengthens the BID by ensuring that all businesses contribute - no hangers on !.

The projects which PA23 BID will propose will be determined by the businesses in the BID zone. By their very nature the BID projects will be practical, measurable and beneficial. The ballot ensures that the BID only gets the go ahead if the projects are suitable. The businesses in the District will therefore be investing in projects they really want and can afford.

Contact Information

The BID Manager is based at:

Stewart & Bennett
20 Argyll Street

Tel: 07725 044 450 or 07788 987 817
