Argyll and The Isles - North Argyll and The Isles - South - Directory

St John's Church

Church of Scotland


A magnificent nave-and-aisles kirk by R A Bryden of 1877 built to supersede the original Free Church on the same site. Its large size reflects the popularity of Dunoon as a holiday destination for families from Glasgow who came 'doon the water' for their summer holidays. The church is impressive, especially as it stands on a steeply sloping site which increases its apparent size and the height of the tower and spire. The architecture is in the Normandy Gothic style with crisply carved details.

Impressive interior laid out like a concert hall with a horse-shoe shaped gallery for the congregation and a raised and raked gallery for the choir behind the central pulpit. Interesting stained glass including windows by Stephen Adam and Gordon Webster.

The organ was installed by Brook & Co as a two-manual pipe organ in 1895, and subsequently enlarged to three manuals in 1921.

Contact Information

St John's Church
Argyll Street
PA23 7AB
