Argyll and The Isles - North Argyll and The Isles - South - Directory

Cowal Marketing Group

Marketing Group


The Cowal Marketing Group is made up of 60+ tourism related businesses within the area. We live and work in Cowal and we want to make sure as many people as possible know just why we think this is a great destination to visit.

This website is frequently updated with new information. First port of call should always be the Events page so you know what is happening when you are planning your visit. Or better still, plan your visit around what is happening.

We welcome your feedback. If you would like to add or update any information on this website please email the webmaster Leonard Gow

This is a dynamic website. New members are joining and the things to see and places to go are growing. Our newsletter sign up is the best way to make sure you are upto date on special offers and things of interest. Be assured that when you see a newsletter from us drop into your inbox, it will be something worth telling you about.

New members are welcome. Simply download, complete and return the membership form
