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Castle House Museum



The Castle House Museum, which has been open since 1998, is one of Dunoon’s most historic locations. Dunoon became a holiday resort when Lord Provost Ewing of Glasgow bought the land around the ruined medieval castle and built himself a holiday home. This was in 1824 and many other wealthy businessmen followed his example.

The Museum was set up through the enthusiasm and vision of the late Arthur Allan. It is operated by a Trust and is a Registered Charity. A recent legacy from Miss Josephine Bennett, a founder member, has allowed the Trust to extend the range of exhibits and develop its service to the local community.

The first venture was a limited exhibition, mainly of models of Clyde steamers and items associated with them, which was set up as part of the Argyll Hotel. This proved to be too restrictive, and the offer by Argyll and Bute Council of part of the Castle House at a nominal rent was gladly accepted. Many months of hard work by devoted local volunteers and the generosity of members of the community in donating or lending articles produced a Museum which tells the story of Cowal from the Stone Age to the American nuclear submarines.

Contact Information

Castle House Museum
Castle Gardens
PA23 7HH

Tel: 01369 701422

